Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Love of my Life

I guess i can begin by introducing him to everyone that doesn't already know him! This is Kelby Gene Loring, the love my life! I used to make fun of people that said " O this was love at first sight" , I mean how corny is that? But it's so true because thats what happened to me, I saw him walking up our driveway and i knew right then and there that he was the one for me. We hung out and talked and two days later he asked me to be his girlfriend and that soon turned into wife! He is everything i ever wanted in a man, he's so soft hearted and kind, funny and cute, caring and devoted, loving and loyal and Extremely Handsome! He makes me smile and laugh every minute we are together, and even when we aren't i can't help but smile every time i think of him! He works in the oil field for a company called Orr Enterprise as Pump Truck Operator. He works very hard everyday to make sure we are taken care of with everything we need and for that i can never thank him enough. When i think of growing old i think of him, sitting beside me in his recliner with the tv up so loud because neither of us can hear any more and waiting on him to get back from his coffee break down at the quick stop with all the other old men in the town! He is my everything and i thank God every day for giving him to me, I love him more than life itself.

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